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Mobile phone use and stress, sleep disturbances

Mobile phone use and stress, sleep disturbances

HARIDHA P132 07-May-2024

Unquestionably, our mobile phones have evolved into an integral part of who we are.  Social media feeds and news updates provide a never-ending source of connection and information.  But is there a price for this ongoing connection?  An increasing body of research indicates a connection between excessive smartphone usage and two critical components of wellbeing: stress and sleep.  Let's examine this intricate relationship in more detail and consider ways to achieve a more positive equilibrium.

The Blue Light Blues: Interfering with Our Sleep Pattern

Blue light is one of the main causes of the phone-sleep disruption problem.  A large amount of blue light emitted by mobile devices inhibits the synthesis of melatonin, a hormone that controls our natural sleep cycle. Our bodies are tricked into believing it is daytime by blue light exposure in the evening, which delays the start of sleep and may cause fragmented sleep.  This may cause us to feel drowsy, exhausted, and less attentive during the day.

Mobile phone use and stress, sleep disturbances

Beyond Blue Light: The Phone's Psychological Cost

Phone use's psychological effects make it harder to sleep.  Anxiety and a sense of urgency might be brought on by the never-ending barrage of emails, notifications, and social media posts, making it hard to relax before bed.  This problem may be made worse by social media-fueled FOMO, or the fear of missing out.  Furthermore, the exciting material on our phones—from frantic games to news stories laced with emotion—can keep our heads buzzing, which makes it more difficult to fall asleep.

The Stress Spiral: How Cell Phones Can Increase Nervousness

Another issue is the connection between stress and phones.  Although social media or entertainment on a phone might provide a brief diversion from stress, overusing a phone can actually exacerbate a stress spiral.  Anxiety and feelings of inadequacy can result from the continual onslaught of information and the obligation to maintain a polished online presence.  In addition, the emission of blue light from phones has the potential to escalate levels of stress hormones, resulting in a vicious cycle.

From Messaging to Quiet: Establishing Positive Phone Habits

So how can we escape this pattern and get back to having a positive connection with our phones?  Here are a few doable actions:

Accept the Digital Sunset: Decide on a certain time to turn off your phone before bed. Your body can wind down and get ready for sleep thanks to this buffer zone. To resist the temptation of making late-night phone checks, think about getting an alarm clock.

Accept the Night Shift: The "Night Shift" function on the majority of contemporary phones lowers the emission of blue light at night. Turning on this function might lessen the likelihood that using a phone right before bed will interfere with your sleep.

Establish Phone-Free Zones: Set aside specific times or places, such the bedroom or the dining room, for the use of phones. This makes it possible to unwind with attention and have uninterrupted talks.

Social networking sites should be avoided since they are made to be addicting. Establish time limits for your social media surfing and be aware of how much time you spend scrolling.

Look for Alternatives to Unwind: Establish calming nighttime rituals without using your phone. To encourage better sleep, read a book, have a warm bath, or engage in mindfulness activities.

Beyond Personal Habits: An Appeal for Modification

It is not the duty of individual users alone.  By including functions like use counters and time limitations that promote responsible phone use, app makers may play a significant role.  Encouraging "slow phone movements" that emphasize thoughtful and intentional phone conversations might also be helpful.


Our smartphones are really useful devices with a wealth of features.  The secret is to use them wisely and set appropriate limitations.  We can leverage the power of technology without sacrificing our wellbeing by embracing phone-free time, controlling our phone habits, and placing a high priority on good sleep hygiene.  Recall that the keys to a happy and successful life are restful sleep and a stress-free mind.  Let's make sure our phones improve rather than take away from our life.

Updated 07-May-2024
Writing is my thing. I enjoy crafting blog posts, articles, and marketing materials that connect with readers. I want to entertain and leave a mark with every piece I create. Teaching English complements my writing work. It helps me understand language better and reach diverse audiences. I love empowering others to communicate confidently.

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